Almanak Committee
Every year, the Almanak committee designs a yearbook with UHSK-memories. The committee spoends this year gathering memories, memorable stories, legendary anekdotes annd spicy pictures. Together with countless helpful members, externals and famous Utrechters, the Almanaccommittee will have a beautioful book by the end of the year in June. It will be a rollercoaster full of memories, in which a year of UHSK-history will be represented. The committee exists out of old members and fresh meat, who make the memoriy of the association tangible.
Almanakcommissie 2023-2024
Tessa Georgette Russchen (2021) | Voorzitter |
Tristan Hofkes (2021) | Secretaris |
Ties Braakhuis (2021) | Penningmeester |
Felix Smit (2019) | Commissaris Vormgeving |
Zelda Geertman (2023) | Commissaris Intern |
Amber Verspui (2020) | Commissaris PR |
Mees van Aanhold (2020) | Commissaris Extern |
Pim van Hattum (2023) | Commissaris Enquête |
Ashley Thijssing (2022) | Commissaris Intern |