Almanak Committee


Every year, the Almanak committee designs a yearbook with UHSK-memories. The committee spoends this year gathering memories, memorable stories, legendary anekdotes annd spicy pictures. Together with countless helpful members, externals and famous Utrechters, the Almanaccommittee will have a beautioful book by the end of the year in June. It will be a rollercoaster full of memories, in which a year of UHSK-history will be represented. The committee exists out of old members and fresh meat, who make the memoriy of the association tangible.


Almanakcommissie 2023-2024

Tessa Georgette Russchen (2021) Voorzitter
Tristan Hofkes (2021) Secretaris
Ties Braakhuis (2021) Penningmeester
Felix Smit (2019) Commissaris Vormgeving
Zelda Geertman (2023) Commissaris Intern
Amber Verspui (2020) Commissaris PR
Mees van Aanhold (2020) Commissaris Extern
Pim van Hattum (2023) Commissaris Enquête
Ashley Thijssing (2022) Commissaris Intern