Holocaust Memorial Day committee


On November 1 2005, Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of the United Nations at that time, proclaimed the liberation date of Auschwitz, January 27, as a special day: the Holocaust Memorial Day. Worldwide, the victims of the Holocaust and other genocides such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda, Srebrenica and Darfur are commemorated on this day. Auschwitz has become a universal symbol for the mass destruction of innocent civilians.

In collaboration with Utrecht University, the UHSK organizes its own Holocaust Memorial Day, on which various speakers give a lecture on a theme concerning genocides.

Contact: holocaustmemorialday@uhsk.nl

Holocaust Memorial Day-commissie 2023-2024

Dax Antheunisse (2020) Voorzitter
Fabienne van Wijngaarden (2021) Secretaris
Hugo Brandse (2020) Commissaris Extern