Music Committee

There is a lot of musical talent among the members of the UHSK. The Music Committee was set up to do something with this. The committee organizes various open stages and other musical activities. Although the committee itself also performs at these activities, they are open to the participation of everyone. The Small and Big Open Mic are activities where many UHSK students can show their musical talents to the association. In addition, the Music Committee also organizes a Music Quiz to put the musical knowledge of the UHSK to the test.
Muziekcommissie 2024-2025
Berend Postma (2021) | Voorzitter |
Anatol Alonso Casale (2023) | Vice-Voorzitter & Commissaris PR |
Pippijn Combee (2023) | Secretaris |
Steven Vincent van der Horst (2021) | Penningmeester |
Ezra de Graaf (2023) | Commissaris Commissieslag |
Tristan Hofkes (2021) | Commissaris Extern |
Inq Soncharoen (2024) | Commissaris Intern |
Josefien van der Brug (2024) | Commissaris Centennium |
Harry Peter William Bonnington (2021) | Algemeen Borrellid |