The Aanzet
Historical magazine the Aanzet is the place for history students in Utrecht to publicate their bachelor thesis or papers. The redaction helps the students bij rewriting their papers to a form that will fit the magazine and the website. In every magazine their is a interview with a teacher from the History department.

The Activities Committee
The Activities Committee is a fun and cozy committee which originally organised sports activities. Over the course of the last few years, the Accie has evolved together with the wishes of the masses. Besides sports activities, we now also organise a lot of activities dedicated to fun and beer. The variation of activities creates a surprising and exciting time. Our committee is formed by a bunch of slightly insane but amazing people who give their best to create the best activities. We hope to see you all at our activities this year!
The Acquisition Committee
The Acquisition Committee is primarily responsible for the contact between the UHSK and companies in and around Utrecht. The Acquisition Committee approaches companies that might be interested in sponsoring different activities or that offer interesting discounts to members of the UHSK. In return, these companies can place advertisements on posters, flyers or on the website of the UHSK. The Acquisition Committee therefore tries in as many ways as possible to make membership of the UHSK more attractive.

The Almanakcommittee
To celebrate the 19th lustrum of the UHSK, of course an Almanac will be issued. This difficult but honourable task lies on the shoulders of the 8 members of the Almanac Commission. The committee spends this year collecting as many memorable stories, legendary anecdotes and spicy photos as possible. Together with numerous helpful members, external experts and well-known Utrechters, the Almanac Committee will present a beautiful book in March. The Almanac will be a wonderful roller coaster of memories, immortalising five years of UHSK history. The committee consists of a combination of ancient dinosaurs and eager cubs, which together make the memory of the association tangible.
The Alumni Committee
The Alumni Committee is concerned with organizing activities that give students the opportunity to get in touch with alumni, or former members. We also try to involve former members in the association in this way. One of the main activities we are involved in is organizing a Reunion Day.

The Archive Committee
The Archive Committee is responsible for the structure and cleaning up of the accumulated archival pieces of the UHSK. A part of our archive is stored at the storage of the Utrecht Archive itself, but a large part has first to be archived neatly before it can leave the UHSK room. Besides the archive itself, the Archive Committee is also dedicated to promote and share the beauties of our archive with the rest of the association.
The Argus (magazine)
The Argus, named after the Greek mythological being with a hundred eyes, is the magazine of the UHSK. Like the many eyes of the Argus, almost nothing escapes our writers. The magazine is full of sharp analyses, political statements and strict reviews, but also of happy experiences and student-oriented trips. It is therefore a versatile magazine with "something for everyone." The Argus comes out four times a year and has a different theme each time. Examples of themes that have been reviewed are: 'The digital world', 'Doom thinking' and, of course, 'Utrecht.'

The Career Committee
Many people enjoy studying History, but opportunities for historians after their degree are uncertain. The Career Committee exists for History students who are unsure what career they want to pursue, or those who want to take steps towards their dream job early on. The Career Committee wants to point out to students that you can impact your future during your studies. With masterclasses and workshops, students gain skills that can be applied during and after the Bachelor’s degree. How do I build a resume? How do I create a network? Also excursions, lectures, and career events give students insights into the labour market, and into the use of skills you learn as a historian during your job. We want to show how interesting, accessible, and fun it can be to work on your future!
The Centennium Committee
The centenary of the Utrecht Historical Students' Circle (UHSK) is a significant milestone in our history! The academic year 2025/2026 is dedicated to celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the UHSK, and this calls for a grand celebration. It's an opportunity to honor our rich history while looking forward to an exciting future.

The Drama Committee
Every year, the Drama committee of the UHSK organizes a play for and by history students. In addition to acting, the Drama Committee also organizes the production of the play. The committee is therefore subdivided into a group of players, led by two directors, and a committee responsible for the production and organization of the play.

The Excursion Committee
The Excursion Committee is one of the most intensive committees of the UHSK. It is the task of this committee to organize three trips annually for about 50 people per trip. The first is in November, the Small Trip, which usually goes to places that are not too far across the border. In April, the Excursion Committee organizes the Big Trip. This journey takes about a week and is held in the education-free week between block three and four. Finally, the Excursion Committee organizes the Ameland Tour every year, the departure weekend of the UHSK.

The First Year Committee
As a first year student, life is a wilderness. The First Year Committee (EJC) aims to make it easier to integrate into student life. Firstly, it does that by creating a commission occupied only by first years. Secondly, it organises activities for first years and all to enjoy. The aim is to let first years interact with each other and the rest of the world at these activities. These range from chamber evenings where the EJC cooks for their guests to whatever the committee can imagine. The committee does not have restrictions on how much they can organise and what they can organise.
The Gala Committee
Every year, the Gala committee organises the Gala during the Diesweek, the week of the 5th of March. The Gala is different from the regular parties of the UHSK for a variety of reasons. First of all it is THE party in the week of the birthday week of the association. At the gala there are special acts, a King and Queen, (or King and King – Queen and Queen) couple is chosen and nobody leaves empty-handed. Every year the gala has a different theme. Theme’s from the past were for example: Un Ballo in Maschera, Crystal Palace and Victory in Europe Day. You can’t miss this party!

The Historical Events Committee
The Historical Events Committee organizes pleasant, study-related activities and full-day excursions to interesting places. The aim is to make members enthusiastic about activities related to their studies and, for example, to contribute to the future prospects of students. Locations of various activities in the past have been the European Parliament, Camp Westerbork and Maastricht.
The Holocaust Memorial Day Committee
On November 1, 2005, Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of the United Nations at that time, proclaimed the liberation date of Auschwitz, January 27, as a special day: the Holocaust Memorial Day. Worldwide, the victims of the Holocaust and other genocides such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda, Srebrenica and Darfur are commemorated on this day. Auschwitz has become a universal symbol for the mass destruction of innocent civilians. In collaboration with Utrecht University, the UHSK organizes its own Holocaust Memorial Day, on which various speakers give a lecture on a theme concerning genocides.

The Cultures Committee
Are you an international lost in the great city of Utrecht? Looking for a new family to call your own? Are you Dutch and are looking to make international friends? Well, you’ve come to the right committee! The Cultures committee (or CulCo if you want to get down with the lingo) organizes international orientated events either specifically for international students, to make them feel welcome at the university and in the UHSK or for students of all backgrounds, to promote the interaction between internationals and Dutchies. Our language cafés and international days are great ways for you to mingle among your fellow internationals as well as getting involved with the association! Nothing is compulsory except for having a good time, the beer is free and that’s our InterCom guarantee! Hope to see lots of you guys soon!
The Music Committee
There is a lot of musical talent to be found within the ranks of the UHSK. The Music Committee makes sure this talent doesn’t get wasted by organising several musical events throughout the year. The Acoustic Open Mic Night in November and the Big Open Mic Night in March are events where not only the Music Committee themselves take to the stage, but where every UHSK-er has the chance to perform their favourite songs and showcase their talent! The Music Committee also takes part in organising the so-called Classical Evening (in collaboration with the study association for musicology) and the Culture Night (where people perform art or music in their own room).

The Party Committee
Five times a year, the Party Committee organizes the most fun theme parties in the regular party cellar of the UHSK, the K-Sjot. During these festivities, when the drinks flow freely, it is usually very 'gezellig' until the early hours. The Party Committee is responsible for the theme, theme drinks and the decoration of the party cellar, but on the evening itself you will also meet the members of the committee at the cloakroom, the token sales or just behind the bar.
The Political Café
Throughout the year, the Political Café organizes a set of activities with a political touch where politicians and students discuss current political themes with each other. Political awareness and a pleasant ambience go hand in hand at these events, and next to political discussion there is also room for a drink and conversation with your fellow students.

The Sports Committee
We are the Sports Committee, and we are going to organize the sporting events this year. We love to keep you fit and happy by exercising during this time in which sporting is even harder. We, as a Sports Committee, will help you to find a way for you to stay physically and mentally healthy.
The Symposium Committee
Every year, the Symposium Committee organizes a historical symposium during the Dies Natalis of the UHSK. During a whole day, several lectures will be given on a historical subject. The day ends with a plenary discussion and drinks. The Symposium Committee previously organized symposia with subjects such as 'Minorities', 'Nationalism in the Netherlands', 'Utopias in historical perspective' and 'Fatherlands'.

The UHSK Education Committee
The goal of the UHSK Education Committee (UBO) is to improve the History education at Utrecht University by helping students and facilitating discussion on important subjects concerning education. The committee consists of seven members and is chaired by the Commissioner of Education of the UHSK. The UBO organises a range of different activities, including exam trainings and workshops. The goal of these activities is to lend History students a hand in completing their education.